Original Article – The Harmful Chemicals in Disposable Diapers

I have added this article to my portfolio on this site as a sample of my research, writing and content marketing. This article was the most popular article on AwesomeBeginnings4Children.com. Awesome Beginnings 4 Children was a business that I previously owned. It was an online retail store that offered products for expectant and new parents. This article had more traffic, comments, and shares than any other article on the site. It was also the only article that resulted in a reader actually calling me. This reader had worked in a disposable diaper factory and had contracted cancer from the chemicals used in manufacturing the diapers.

The purpose of this image is to show the article, in it’s original state, on the website when the website was still live. It is not clear enough to read. I have posted the text of the article here:
The Harmful Chemicals in Disposable Diapers

This article was originally posted on AwesomeBeginnings4Children.com on August 1, 2011.

Snapshot of Awesome Beginnings 4 Children Website and diaper article